Why Coaching
Many people have misconceptions about coaching, and how a life coach can serve you. I might be biased, but there are so many wonderful reasons to invest in coaching, including:
Releasing Judgment
Liberate yourself from the “shoulds” to fundamentally shift your thinking and start living life on your own terms.
Making Choices With Clarity
Gaining Confidence
Better understand the way you see yourself in order to engage with the world with more ease.
Taking Aligned Action
Better understand the way you see yourself in order to engage with the world with more ease.
Achieving Long-Lasting Results
Gain tools that you need to approach problems that arise, now and in the future.

Therapy vs. Coaching: What’s the Difference?
- Specific Problem Solving around issues in the present
- won’t provide direct advice but will offer insite
- Follows the clients agenda
- Not always certified (but I am)
- Heals trauma
- Able to offer diagnosis
- Often gives direct advice or guidance
- Needs Intense Schooling or certification and license
Unfortunately, the coaching industry is not regulated. Anyone can call themselves a coach, which is why it’s so important that you vet a life coach before working with them and understand their approach and training.
As you can see from the image above, some of the main differences when it comes to therapy and coaching is that therapy often aims to heal past traumas, the training process is different, therapists can prescribe and diagnose, and as a result, often give direct advice.
Unfortunately, the coaching industry is not regulated. Anyone can call themselves a coach, which is why it’s so important that you vet a life coach before working with them and understand their approach and training.
As a certified coach with a decade of experience, my style of coaching focuses on who I’m talking to and their specific goals. We begin to figure out what’s tripping you up, while keeping in mind what you want to work towards. Whether you’re struggling with personal or professional challenges, coaching can not only address them but also get to the root cause of what is holding you back from living a satisfied life.
Coaching Can Help You Make Meaningful Change
These days, everything is Google-able. Yet, when we think of the big things people say they want–like saving money, a new house, losing weight, etc.–we can Google it and find 100s of hits on how to get things, but many different answers for how to do it, and none of them are motivating you to move forward.
So why are people still not getting what they want?
Because those Google results don’t account for the limiting beliefs that you’ve picked up throughout your life or a lack of confidence. Or maybe you’ve tried something similar in the past and it didn’t go well, and you’re afraid history will repeat itself, so you don’t even try. Maybe your inner critic activates, making you question, “Am I enough? Who am I to want this?”

Enter Coaching
This is where we do the work. What are the beliefs tripping you up that are stopping you from going after your goals? And with those goals in mind, we focus on the beliefs that seem to paralyze you from taking action.
Science agrees. In a peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, “58 percent of people who started care with symptoms of depression experienced clinical recovery after at least one session with a certified coach and saw a 76 percent increase in their well-being overall.” These findings build upon previous published research from Psychology Today that demonstrate that the more coaching sessions people participated in, the more their well-being improved.
Why Choose Me As Your Certified Coach?
When I began my coaching journey, I decided to align with the International Coaching Federation (ICF), which is a governing body that ensures training programs are of the highest caliber and that ethics are followed.
The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) is the school where I chose to obtain my Certificate in Professional Coaching. The program was nearly a year long, and incredibly hands on, with a lot of feedback along the way.
In order to stay in good standing as a certified coach, I participate in ICF-approved continuing education regularly. I obtained my Professional Certificate in Coaching (PCC) in December 2020. I am currently working to obtain my Master Certified Coach (MCC) certification from the ICF, a credential only 1072 coaches in the world have.
I am not only passionate about being a coach, but also about continuing to learn new things that I can bring to the table for all of my clients.
Interested in learning more about me and how I got into coaching?